
Here at 3Gs Tours, we’re dedicated to giving back to the community and the environment that makes our tours possible. That’s why we’re thrilled to back the Generations Root Foundation, an organization committed to conserving the beauty and biodiversity of Uganda.

The Generations Root Foundation was established to educate the community about conservation’s importance and inspire people to protect the environment. They carry out various activities like tree planting, organizing nature lessons at partner schools, and fundraising to send 50 elementary school students to national parks each semester.

One of Generations Root’s primary projects is the Wakiso forest conservation program, where they’ve created a forest to teach nature classes. Through this initiative, they aim to nurture a love for nature in children and groom the next generation of environmental stewards.

We’re proud to donate 150% of our revenue to support the Generations Root Foundation, and we invite our customers to join us in this crucial mission. Whether you’re a tourist on our tours or a concerned citizen, there are ways for everyone to get involved and make a positive impact.